Creed-Tyla, is a fun aunt, she is really nice and I remember her inner tubing down the hill and screaming the whole time. She is really good at being a Mom.
Crew- Aunt Ty is the best because she lets me play the wii and watch movies when I am at her house.
and she feeds me good :)
Azlyn-Aunt Ty played with me at the beach and at the park, and she is coming to visit me this summer. She is so fun.
Thad-Tyla was very accepting of me when I was dating Trina. We had a lot of fun at her house in Showlow playing rook, even though Trina and her cheated to win, we still had fun.
Trina-If I had a box of Mac-N-Cheese, I would post a picture and say enough said... but I will explain for those who don't know the story.... We were in the carport in Aztec making dinner, and she decided it was "Time" for me to learn my manners. We sit up tall, with the napkin in our lap, we bring the food to our mouth, and DO NOT smack, we chew with our mouth closed and swallow before taking another bite.
Needless to say it is a great memory etched in my mind and I love my sister for that!